

This project is written in JavaScript. This programs ables the user to open a bank account, make a deposit and withdraw money. Also user is able to view their bank statement.

The program is made from two classes. They are located in:

  • src/transaction.js
  • src/account.js

Also tests are located in:

  • spec/transactionSpec.js

  • spec/accountSpec.js

  • To run the tests, run the command below in the terminal:

open SpecRunner.html

User Story

As a client
So I can have a bank account
I'd like to open an account.

As a client
so I can save money
I'd like to be able to make a deposit on a day.

As a client
So I can save more money
I'd like to be able to make more than one deposit.

As a client
So I can use money
I'd like to be able to make a withdrawal on a day.

As a client
So I can see my list of transactions
I'd like to be able to print my bank statement.