
A complete e-shop management application built with Node.js and Express. Includes a frontend for managing customers and products, and a backend with CRUD operations. Features partner management (name, surname, address, phone, role) and user login functionality.

Primary LanguageHTML

E-Shop Management

E-Shop Management is a complete e-shop management application that includes both frontend and backend components. The application is built using Node.js and Express framework.


Customer management: Allows managing customer information, such as name, address, and contact details. Product management: Enables managing product details, including name, description, cost, and quantity. Partner management: Provides functionality for managing partners' information, such as name, surname, address, phone, and role. User login functionality: Offers secure login functionality for users to access the application. API creation: Utilizes Express framework to create APIs for handling CRUD operations on customers, products, and partners.


To run this application, you will need:

Node.js npm Installation Clone this repository:

bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/pantelishatz/e-shop-management.git Navigate to the project directory:

bash Copy code cd e-shop-management Install dependencies:

Copy code npm install


Start the server:

Copy code npm start Open your browser and navigate to:

Copy code http://localhost:3000 Now you can use the E-Shop Management application!


Contributions to the project are welcome. If you want to suggest improvements or report bugs, please create an issue or a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to explore and utilize these new features in the latest version of the E-Shop Management application!