
A collection of useful Sass mixins that help you write Sass faster.

Primary LanguageCSS


A bunch of useful sass/scss mixins that help you write sass/scss faster.


  1. Install via NPM:

     npm install sass-mixins-kit --save
  2. Include Sass-Mixins-Kit in your sass file, remember the path must be relative:

     @import '../node_modules/sass-mixins-kit/sass-mixins-kit';


  1. clearfix

    A clearfix hack. A way for an element to automatically clear its child elements.

    Before using this mixin, I recommend you to try Flexbox Layout or display: inline first. They are better solutions.

     ul {
         @include clearfix();
         li {
             float: left;
  2. text-ellipsis

    Display an ellipsis('...') at the end of overflowed texts.

    Only available in block or inline-block elements. A specific width is needed.

     span {
         display: block;
         width: 100px;
         @include text-ellipsis();
  3. user-select($value: none)

    Add vendor prefixes to user-select property.

    Most of the time I don't add vendor prefixes in this "sass-mixin" way because PostCSS can do it for me. But it is weird that PostCSS don't add vendor prefixes to 'user-select' property. So I have to add vendor prefixies myself.

     span {
         @include user-select();

    will complie to

     span {
         -moz-user-select: none;
         -ms-user-select: none;
         -webkit-user-select: none;
         user-select: none;

    This mixin accepts a param and its value (default none) will be applied to the 'user-select' property.
