Haml Coffee Assets compiles Haml Coffee templates in the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline, so you can use them as JavaScript templates in your JavaScript heavy Rails application. Server-side rendering of templates is also possible, allowing you to share the same template files for Rails and JavaScript templates. It also works as a pure Sprockets engine without Rails.
Tested on MRI Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and the latest version of JRuby.
- Seamless integration of Haml-Coffee into the Rails asset pipeline or as standalone Sprockets engine.
- Manifold options to configure Haml Coffee Assets to your needs.
- AMD support.
- Server-side rendering of templates in Rails.
Haml Coffee allows you to write inline CoffeeScript in your HAML JavaScript templates:
%h2 Cart
- if @cart.length is 0
%p.empty Your cart is empty
- else
- for item in @cart
= item.name
%a{ :href => "/cart/item/remove/#{ item.id }" } Remove Item
You can try Haml Coffee online by visiting Haml Coffee Online and have a look the AMD example Rails app.
The simplest way to install Haml Coffee Assets is to use Bundler.
Add haml_coffee_assets
and execjs
to your Gemfile
group :assets do
gem 'haml_coffee_assets'
gem 'execjs'
And require the hamlcoffee.js
in your app/assets/javascripts/templates/context.js.coffee
#= require hamlcoffee
If you're using AMD support then you do not need to include the above helper, since it will be automatically included.
This provides the default escaping and the global context functions. Read more about it in the configuration section below.
Please have a look at the CHANGELOG when upgrading to a newer Haml Coffee Assets version.
If you want to use Haml Coffee with Sinatra, please have a look at the Haml Coffee Sinatra demo application.
Haml Coffee Assets allows two different ways of generating your JavaScript templates, but the Haml Coffee template generation is preferred, since it provides more configuration options and a smoother experience.
- Extension:
If you omit the .jst
and give your templates only a .hamlc
extension, then Haml Coffee Assets will handle the
JavaScript template generation. With this approach you can easily define your own namespace with a simple configuration
and you can use the template name filter.
You can place all your Haml Coffee templates in the app/assets/javascripts/templates
directory and include all
templates from your app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee
#= require_tree ./templates
Because Haml Coffee Assets provides a default template name filter, the templates/
prefix will be automatically
- Extension:
When you give your templates the extension .jst.hamlc
, Haml Coffee Assets will only generate the template function,
which then in turn will be further processed by the
Sprocket JST processor. Because
Haml Coffee Assets will not generate the template, you can't use the AMD support, template name filter and the JST
namespace definition is more cumbersome compared to the Haml Coffee template generation.
With this approach you should place all your Haml Coffee templates in the app/assets/templates
directory and include
all templates from your app/assets/javascripts/application.js.coffee
#= require_tree ../templates
If you would place your templates into app/assets/javascripts/templates
, then all your JST template names would begin
with templates/
, which may be not what you want.
Haml Coffee Assets registers the .hamlc
extension with Action View, so that Rails templates can be written in Haml
Coffee. Rails will see templates placed in app/assets/javascripts/templates
(though this path can be changed if you
store your templates in another directory), and the same template files can be rendered via Rails or via JavaScript on
the client. Server-side rendering is only available when using the global placement and not with the AMD placement.
Given a Haml Coffee template at app/assets/javascripts/templates/books/_book.hamlc
%dt Name
%dd= @name
%dt Author
%dd= @author
And a Haml Coffee context at app/assets/javascripts/templates/context.js
//= require hamlcoffee
To render on server in books#index
= render "book", :name => "A Tale of Two Cities", :author => "Charles Dickens"
To render and render the same file on the client using the asset pipeline:
#= require hamlcoffee
#= require templates/books/_book
JST["books/book"](name: "A Tale of Two Cities", author: "Charles Dickens")
Note that the template is required as books/_book
because it refers to the actual file, but the template name on the
client is simply books/book
. If you require all templates at once with #= require_tree ./templates
, you won't need
to remember this distinction.
Please note that all configuration examples will use the paths of the Haml Coffee template generation and not the Sprocket JST processor template generation.
Sprockets will cache your templates after compiling and will only recompile them when the content of the template has changed, thus if you change to your configuration, the new settings will not be applied to templates already compiled. You can clear the Sprockets cache with:
rake assets:clean
For Rails, you can set the configuration options in your environment by accessing config.hamlcoffee
, whereas
if you just use the plain Sprockets engine you can access the configuration with HamlCoffeeAssets.config
. All the
following examples use the Rails way.
Please note: When you put Haml Coffee Assets into the :assets
group within your Gemfile
and precompile the
assets (the default Rails behaviour), then Haml Coffee Assets is not loaded in production and you can't set any
configuration at config.hamlcoffee
in both config/application.rb
and config/environments/production.rb
You can simply add a condition around the configuration:
if defined? ::HamlCoffeeAssets
config.hamlcoffee.awesome = true
or move your configuration to config/environments/development.rb
(and config/environments/test.rb
, depending on your
JavaScript testing setup).
By default all Haml Coffee templates are rendered to a HTML5 document. You can choose between the following output formats:
- html5
- html4
- xhtml
If you prefer another HTML format than HTML5, you can set it in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.format = 'xhtml'
By default all Haml Coffee templates are placed under the configured template namespace. You can choose between the following placements:
- global
- amd
By setting the placement option to amd
, each template will be wrapped within a define
function, enabling the usage
of a module loader.
config.hamlcoffee.placement = 'amd'
Please note, the placement
option is only applicable if you use the .hamlc
extension and let Haml Coffee Assets
handle the JST generation. The global hamlcoffee
helpers must be loaded normally before making use of any
templates due to the current template design.
Haml Coffee Assets allows you to globally define the module dependencies for all templates. By default, the Haml Coffee Assets helper is included, but you can add your own:
config.hamlcoffee.dependencies = { '_' => 'underscore', :hc => 'hamlcoffee_amd' }
If you do not include the hamlcoffee_amd
module as hc
in the list, then the helper methods will be included in each
template, increasing its size. It's recommended to always have the hamlcoffee
module included.
By default all Haml Coffee templates are registered under the JST
namespace. A template
with the given content:
%h2= @title
will be accessible in your browser as JST['header']
. You can now render the precompiled template and pass the data
to be rendered:
JST['header']({ title: 'Hello Haml Coffee' })
If you prefer another namespace, you can set it in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.namespace = 'window.HAML'
You can even set a deep nested namespace like window.templates.HAML
and Haml Coffee will handle creation all the way
You can't use this configuration if you give your templates a .jst.hamlc
extension, because the Sprockets JST
processor handles the template generation. In this case you have to subclass the JST processor:
class MyJstProcessor < Sprockets::JstProcessor
def prepare
@namespace = 'MyApp.Tpl'
Foo::Application.assets.register_engine '.jst', MyJstProcessor
And you must make sure MyApp
exists before any template is loaded.
The name under which the template can be addressed in the namespace depends not only from the filename, but also on the directory name by default.
The following examples assumes a configured namespace window.JST
and the asset template directory
will becomeJST['login']
will becomeJST['users/new']
will becomeJST['shared/form/address']
If you wish to put the templates in a different location, you may want to change the name_filter
config.hamlcoffee.name_filter = lambda { |n| n.sub /^templates\//, '' }
By default, name_filter
strips the leading templates/
directory off of the name and also a leading _
from the
template name. Please note, name_filter
is only applicable if you use the .hamlc
extension and let Haml Coffee
Assets handle the JST generation. If you use the .jst.hamlc
extension, then Sprockets JST processor will name
things accordingly (e.g., with templates/
intact in this case).
The template name filter is not used with AMD loader.
If you don't want to have your directory names under which your template is located to be contained in the JST name,
you can configure Haml Coffee in your config/application.rb
to strip off the path to the file name and only use the
basename as JST name:
config.hamlcoffee.basename = true
With this setting enabled the following naming rule applies:
will becomeJST['login']
will becomeJST['new']
will becomeJST['address']
This setting has only an effect when you're using Haml Coffee to generate the JST and not when using the Sprockets JST processor.
All generated output by running CoffeeScript in your template is being escaped, but you can disable escaping of either the attributes or the generated Html.
You can toggle attribute escaping in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.escapeAttributes = false
You can toggle HTML escaping in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.escapeHtml = false
Every value that is returned from inline CoffeeScript will be cleaned by default. The included implementation converts
and undefined
to an empty string. You can disable value cleaning in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.cleanValue = false
By default all generated HTML is indented to have a nice reading experience. If you like to ignore indention to have a
better rendering performance, you can enable the uglify option in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.uglify = true
Haml Coffee Assets allows you to configure a global context function that gets merged into the local template context for
each template. You can simply override HAML.globals
and return the global context data:
HAML.globals = ->
isAuthenticated: App.isAuthenticated()
isAdmin: App.currentUser.hasRole('admin')
Now you can use the properties from the global context in every template:
%h1 Page not found
- if @isAuthenticated
%p Please visit the home page.
- else
%p Please log into your account.
When rendering on the server, haml_coffee_assets will expect the global context to be overriden with the global_context_asset
. Located by default at templates/context
You can configure the path to this asset in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.global_context_asset = 'templates/context'
If you like to use your own implementation, simply configure your context function in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.context = 'App.globalTemplateContext'
or disable the global context completely:
config.hamlcoffee.context = false
Your custom context function must take the local context as parameter and returns the merged context data.
The following example uses the Haml Coffee Assets extend
function to merge the global context data with the
passed local context data:
App.globalTemplateContext = (locals) -> HAML.extend({}, {
authenticated: App.isAuthenticated()
}, locals)
Please have a look at the wiki for further examples on how to use the global context.
Haml Coffee contains two list of HTML tags that you can customize. In general you're fine with the defaults, but if you need to extend the list, you can instruct Haml Coffee Assets to do so.
- Tags:
Some HTML tags are whitespace sensitive, which means that whitespace used for proper indention results in a wrong
display of the tag. In order to avoid this, the content is preserved by converting the newlines to a HTML
entity. You can set your own list of whitespace sensitive tags in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.preserveTags = 'pre,textarea,abbr'
This list is also taken into account for the HAML.preserveAndFind
helper function that is provided and its shortcut
notation ~
Tags: meta
, img
, link
, br
, hr
, input
, area
, param
, col
, base
The auto-closing tag list will contains the tags that will be self-closes if they have no content. You can set the
list of self closing tags in your config/application.rb
config.hamlcoffee.autoclose = 'meta,img,link,br,hr,input,area,param,col,base'
Haml Coffee Assets provides a set of custom functions for Haml Coffee, so that the templates doesn't have to be self contained and can make use of the global functions. In general you don't have to customize them further, but if you need to, you can set custom functions for:
- config.hamlcoffee.customHtmlEscape
- config.hamlcoffee.customCleanValue
- config.hamlcoffee.customPreserve
- config.hamlcoffee.customFindAndPreserve
- config.hamlcoffee.customSurround
- config.hamlcoffee.customSucceed
- config.hamlcoffee.customPrecede
You can see the default implementation and the Haml Coffee documentation for more information about each helper function.
Rails will look for templates in app/assets/javascripts/templates
when rendering on the server side. If you store your
templates in another directory, you can change this location:
config.hamlcoffee.templates_path = "custom/template/path"
With Haml Coffee Assets you can render partials when using plain JST approach and also with AMD support.
With the traditional JST approach, all the templates are globally accessible in your defined namespace, which is JST
by default. This allows you to render a template within another template like:
%h1 Comments for this article
- for comment in @article.comments
!= JST['articles/comment'](comment)
Haml Coffee parses the template source code for require
statements and adds them to the template module dependencies.
This allows you to require other templates like this:
- require 'module'
- require 'deep/nested/other'
Now your dependencies are available in the template, allowing you to render it with:
!= module()
!= other()
Please note that only the basename ot the template is used as module variable name.
Of course you can also directly require and render a template like:
!= require("another/other")()
Please have a look at the AMD example Rails app for a working example.
Developed by Michael Kessler, FlinkFinger.
If you like Haml Coffee Assets, you can watch the repository at GitHub and follow @netzpirat on Twitter for project updates.
- Issues and feature request hosted at GitHub Issues.
- Documentation hosted at RubyDoc.
- Source hosted at GitHub.
Pull requests are very welcome! Please try to follow these simple rules if applicable:
- Please create a topic branch for every separate change you make.
- Make sure your patches are well tested. All specs must pass.
- Update the Yard documentation.
- Update the README.
- Update the CHANGELOG for noteworthy changes.
- Please do not change the version number.
For questions please join #haml
on irc.freenode.net
Guard has an open commit bit policy: Anyone with an accepted pull request gets added as a repository collaborator. Please try to follow these simple rules:
- Commit directly onto the master branch only for typos, improvements to the readme and documentation (please add
[ci skip]
to the commit message). - Create a feature branch and open a pull-request early for any new features to get feedback.
- Make sure you adhere to the general pull request rules above.
See the CHANGELOG and the GitHub list of contributors.
- Jeremy Ashkenas for CoffeeScript, that little language that compiles into JavaScript.
- The people at 9elements who started haml-coffee, an elegant JavaScript template solution.
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Michael Kessler
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.