
scriptaculous sortable w/ multiple selectable elements

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a demo of a scriptaculous sortable which supports multiple element drag
and drop like mentioned in http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/2585

The demo is available at http://simplificator.com/scriptaculous-multidrag/

The demo shows a sortable and a droppable area. Entries can sorted or dropped to
the droppable area. If you drop an entry, the sortable will stay in the same
order.  By clicking on more than one entry, you can activate multi d&d.

I had to patch some lines of scriptys draganddrop.js to achieve the special
behaviour when dropping without sorting (it's not needed for the multi d&d but
for my own appliance). The code is a somewhat a hack, rants and patches welcome.