
Script de carga masiva de pipelines para gitlab

Primary LanguagePython

Gitlab Update CI

The project's goals is to update every file .gitlab-ci.yml into the Gitlab instance of our company in three different ways

  • Individual Project
  • Projects in group
  • Individul Projects from File

How it works?


You should put your token for interact with gitlab inside de python-gitlab.cfg file, uder private_token key:

PRIVATE_TOKEN = put_your_token_here

Branch Name

Also, you need to identify wich branch do you want to update, under BRANCH_NAME key:

BRANCH_NAME = you_awesome_branch

Type update

Finally, you identify what kind of update do you want, "individual", "group" or "file":

TYPE_UPDATE = ìndividual

Use cases for type update

If you choose individual, the script will read the PROJECT_NUMBER id

If you choose group, the script will read the GROUPS_ID array

If you choose file, the script will read the file defined in FILE key. By default, db.json.

Running It


I suggest you to use a virtual environment for python projects:

$ python3 -m venv virtual_env

And, activating...

$ source virtual_env/bin/activate


Follow the instruction below to install dependencies through pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt 


To launch the program, just type de code below:

$ python start.py


  • Use Lint validation for de yaml file to update
  • Existance of variables inside config file
  • Running with arguments


Update project with id 77 and branch develop

$ python start.py -p 77 -branch develop

Update group 101 and 102, develop branch

$ python start.py -g [101,102] -branch develop

Update from file my-file.json

$ python start.py -f my-file.json -branch develop