
Arkanosis' configuration files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Arkonf is system configuration including:

  • a list of packages to install, managed using Salt;
  • a collection of configuration files for these tools.


As regular user on any POSIX OS

This will only install configuration files for the current user.

git clone https://github.com/Arkanosis/Arkonf.git
cd Arkonf

As root on Kubuntu

This is the prefered way to install the full Arkonf (including packages) on a machine with sudo access.

apt-get install salt-minion
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
< /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub nc termbin.com 9999
# Add your public key on GitHub
cd /root
git clone git@github.com:Arkanosis/Arkonf.git
ln -s /root/Arkonf/saltstack /srv
sed -i 's/.*file_client:.*/file_client: local/' /etc/salt/minion
salt-call state.highstate
aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade


Copyright 2001-2015 – Jérémie Roquet jroquet@arkanosis.net

All code except code written by third-parties released under the MIT License.
