Arkonf is system configuration including:
- a list of packages to install, managed using Salt;
- a collection of configuration files for these tools.
This will only install configuration files for the current user.
git clone
cd Arkonf
This is the prefered way to install the full Arkonf (including packages) on a machine with sudo access.
apt-get install salt-minion
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
< /root/.ssh/ nc 9999
# Add your public key on GitHub
cd /root
git clone
ln -s /root/Arkonf/saltstack /srv
sed -i 's/.*file_client:.*/file_client: local/' /etc/salt/minion
salt-call state.highstate
aptitude update && aptitude full-upgrade
Copyright 2001-2015 – Jérémie Roquet
All code except code written by third-parties released under the MIT License.