This bug is already fixed as of Flutter 1.1.10-pre.197

What is this package?

This is a package for working around a problem when composing text in language that use auto-completion like Japanese or Chinese and setting TextEditingController.text to something that has less text length than the current text. What this package does is that if the text is composing, it reset the composing before setting the new text. This is mainly for my own use on my projects but anyone is welcome to copy and paste it and hopefully this will be fixed soon.


How to use?

Just put it in pubspec.yaml like other package and import

import 'package:another_text_editing_controller/another_text_editing_controller.dart';

then replace any TextEditingController with AnotherTextEditingController.

or you can just copy and paste the content of the another_text_editing_controller.dart and use it as your own class.