
Sharding set-up in MongoDB using docker

Sharding in MongoDB using docker

You can set-up sharding in MongoDB by creating a cluster of mongo instances consisting of the below components:

  1. Config servers
  2. Shard servers
  3. Mongo routers

All the above instances are created using docker containers. In this repo we create 1 config replica set, 2 shard replica sets and 1 mongo router. Each replica set contains 3 mongo instances.


  1. Install docker based on your platform.
  2. Install mongodb from https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/installation/

Config servers

Run the below docker command to start the config servers

docker-compose -f config_server/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Once the instances are up, connect to the container using the below command.

mongosh mongodb://localhost:10001

Now inside the container, we have to pass the instances as members to form a replica set.

    _id: "config_rs",
    configsvr: true,
    members: [
      { _id : 0, host : "<your-ip>:10001" },
      { _id : 1, host : "<your-ip>:10002" },
      { _id : 2, host : "<your-ip>:10003" }

You can check if the replica set status using the below command.


Shard servers

Repeat the same process for creating shard-1 and shard-2 docker containers.

docker-compose -f shard_server1/docker-compose.yaml up -d
docker-compose -f shard_server2/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Login into the containers:

mongosh mongodb://localhost:20001
mongosh mongodb://localhost:20004

And initiate the replica sets:

In shard-1:

    _id: "shard1_rs",
    members: [
      { _id : 0, host : "<your-ip>:20001" },
      { _id : 1, host : "<your-ip>:20002" },
      { _id : 2, host : "<your-ip>:20003" }

In shard-2:

    _id: "shard2_rs",
    members: [
      { _id : 0, host : "<your-ip>:20004" },
      { _id : 1, host : "<your-ip>:20005" },
      { _id : 2, host : "<your-ip>:20006" }

Mongo routers

Finally start the mongo routers:

docker-compose -f mongos/docker-compose.yaml up -d
mongosh mongodb://localhost:30000

Inside the container, now add both shards to the cluster


Note: Replace <your-ip> with your IPv4 address.

Sharding the collection

Make sure your application is always connected to mongo routers, it is not suggested to directly connect to shard replica sets.

Connect to mongo router and run this command to create a database.

use <database>

Starting in MonogDB 6.0 you don't need to run the below command to shard a collection. If you are using earlier versions then it is recommended to run it.


Shard your collection, this command will automatically enable sharding if your using versions Mongo 6.0 or later.

sh.shardCollection("<database>.<collection>", { <shard key field> : "hashed" , ... } )

You can check the sharding status of a database using sh.status(), and data distribution across shards for a collection using: db.<collection>.getShardDistribution()