HomeRun Delivery Test project

Installation instructions


  • node and npm


  • Clone the git repository git clone https://github.com/panvourtsis/homeRunDelivery

  • Go to the cloned directory cd homeRun

  • Install all the project dependencies npm install

Starting the project for android or ios

react-native run-[ios or android]

Code directory structure

├── src - holds files and modules used on the app
│   ├── actions - actions for the redux
│   ├── assets - all the assets of the project
│   ├── components - all the components used around the project
│   │   ├── common
│   ├── providers - contains all the API calls to the server for each entity
│   ├── reducers - reducers for the redux
│   ├── screens - all the screens of the app with their components
├── __tests__
├── .env - all config files for development and production