
merge contribution from two accounts from github and gitee

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Get contibution from GitHub and Gitee

github link

Project Purpose

This project aims to provide a data scrapy and visualization of contributions made to GitHub and Gitee repositories. By merging contributions from both platforms, users can gain insights into their coding activities and trends over a specified period.

Premise: The contribution heatmap of Github and Gitee are accessible by the public. And if you want to get private contribution, you should check this option.


To use this project, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/panwanke/merge-git-contribution
    cd merge-git-contribution
  2. Install Dependencies: Ensure you have all the required libraries installed. You can use pip to install them:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the Example Code in plot_contribution.ipynb:

Here’s an example of how to use the giteehubContri module Modify the script as needed, especially the github_username, gitee_username, and start_date parameters. Then, execute the script:

from giteehubContri import myContribution

start_date = "2024-03-01"
mycontr = myContribution(username="username", start_date=start_date)
# mycontr = myContribution(github_username="github_username", gitee_username="gitee_username", start_date=start_date)
github_contribution = mycontr.get_github_contributions()
gitee_contribution = mycontr.get_gitee_contributions()
merged_contributions = mycontr.merge_contributions(github_contribution, gitee_contribution)
render = mycontr.plot_contributions(merged_contributions, render_type="notebook")


Core Files Description

  • giteehubContri.py: The main script that contains the logic for fetching, merging, and plotting contributions from GitHub and Gitee.
  • my_contributions.html: The output HTML file that visualizes the merged contributions.
  • plot_contribution.ipynb: A Jupyter Notebook that provides an interactive environment to run and visualize the contribution analysis.


Thanks for github api from https://github.com/grubersjoe/github-contributions-api Thanks for calendar heatmap visualization from pyecharts


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Feel free to modify any section as per your project specifics!