
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hackathon project

This is a template project for hackathon for react-native-magic-script multiplatform development.


  1. In order to run this project on iOS and Android, you need to have React Native installed. Please follow this link to install React Native on your machine. Remember to install the ReactNative CLI instead of Expo CLI

  2. In order to run this project on MagicLeap, you need to follow instructions on this site

  3. Install the required packages.

    • Call either npm install or yarn from the main app folder.
    • NOTE: If, after run npm install the project does not build, please use yarn instead.

IMPORTANT before running the app

During development, you will probably want to test the app on multiple platforms. To properly switch between ML1 and ReactNative, you have to comment/uncomment some lines in the .babelrc & babel.config.js files:

###Proper configuration for ReactNative: .babelrc

    "plugins": [
        // "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"


module.exports = {
  presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],

###Proper configuration for MagicLeap .babelrc

    "plugins": [


module.exports = {
  // presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],

Running the demo app (iOS)

  1. Run iOS project in Xcode:

    • Open iOS project at ./ios/HackathonApp.xcworkspace in Xcode.
    • Select Hackathon as the active scheme. -- NOTE: By default, the app compiles in debug mode. Debug mode requires the Metro Boundler to run during the app run. That means you need to have your device plugged in to your computer all the time. If you want your app to run as a standalone app, run it in release mode. You can change the mode under Edit Scheme.../Run/Build Configuration.
    • Run the app by pressing Cmd+Shift+R or by pressing the Build and run button.
    • If the app does not build (you get multiple errors) then press the Build and run button again. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Build and run
  2. Run Metro Bundler (unless it runs automatically):

    • From the app folder run: react-native start.
  3. In the iOS simulator press Cmd+R to reload the app. For the device, you need to shake the device and select Reload to reload the app.

Running the demo app (Android)

Open a console and go to the project directory, then give the commands:

  • yarn
  • react-native run-android

In case of build problems do the following:

  • remove the react-native-magic-script directory from node_modules,
  • remove the yarn.lock file from the project directory,
  • give the yarn and react-native run-android commands

or use the script:

For Windows (save as .bat file for Windows)

set projectDir={path to magic-script-components-catalog folder}
rd /s /q %projectDir%\node_modules\react-native-magic-script
del /f %projectDir%\yarn.lock
start cmd /k "cd /d %projectDir% & yarn & react-native run-android"

For macOS (save as .sh file, make sure the file is in the project directory)

 rm -rf "$projectDir/node_modules/react-native-magic-script"
 rm "$projectDir/yarn.lock"
 react-native run-android

Or simply execute from terminal while in the main directory: ./runAndroid.sh

*If the build still fails, remove the build directories from this project (android/build and android/app/build), as well as from the react-native-magic-script/android.


There might be several problems during the development, especially when you switch between apps on multiple platforms during development. Those commands might be helpful:

Execute in root directory of the project (preferably remove node_modules from the project before): watchman watch-del-all - Removes all watches and associated triggers. (Metro Bundler) rm -rf /tmp/metro-bundler-cache-* or npm start -- --reset-cache - Reset MetroBundler cache rm -rf /tmp/haste-map-react-native-packager-* - Remove haste cache

If you are still having problems with running project on iOS or MagicLeap, you can use the scripts below by executing them in terminal from root directory: MagicLeap: ./rebuild_hard_lumin.sh iOS: ./reload_hard_ios.sh