- 1
Fix for UnicodeDecodeError exception
#30 opened by wagnerscastle - 2
- 1
pp should take keyword arguments like pprint
#18 opened by aluttik - 0
#32 opened by monk-after-90s - 1
#31 opened by monk-after-90s - 0
How to setup default config?
#28 opened by nicezic - 2
- 1
Not working with some dictionaries in Python 3.7
#25 opened by pdonorio - 3
python2.7 - SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#26 opened by arthurlutz - 1
dict value endswith `,` striped
#24 opened by guyskk - 2
beeprint interacts badly with wrapped sys.stdout
#21 opened by jhermann - 0
- 3
#22 opened by vewWLE829 - 1
- 4
Seems there is redundant print
#19 opened by kiddten - 4
- 4
Option to use a class' __repr__ when implemented
#12 opened by kootenpv - 2
Doesn't work with bpython
#8 opened by jiujitsu - 2
Limit amount of items shown
#11 opened by kootenpv - 0
auto clip long data
#5 opened by panyanyany - 0
#14 opened by panyanyany - 0
- 2
Double output on ipython
#9 opened by jiujitsu - 1
对于第 depth 层数据,取消 <OUT OF RANGE> 标识
#4 opened by panyanyany