AWS Security Tips

Note that this repo is used for the demonstration purpose only. Some AWS managed policies are used which might not follow the best practice for using the least privilege IAM permissions.


1. git-secrets


git-secrets --scan -r ./1-git-secrets

2. AWS Systems Manager Session Manager

  • Deploy AWS resources with AWS CDK.
# Create key pair named 'security-tips'.

cd 2-ssm-session

yarn && yarn build

cdk deploy --require-approval never
# SSH over Session Manager
Host i-* mi-*
  ProxyCommand sh -c "aws ssm start-session --target %h --document-name AWS-StartSSHSession --parameters 'portNumber=%p'"
  • Test SSH, Port Forwarding and RDP.
LINUX_INSTANCE_ID=<instance id>

ssh -i security-tips.pem ec2-user@${LINUX_INSTANCE_ID}

aws ssm start-session \
  --target ${LINUX_INSTANCE_ID} \
  --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession \
  --parameters '{"portNumber":["80"],"localPortNumber":["8080"]}'

# Open browser at http://localhost:8080

aws ssm start-session \
  --target ${WINDOWS_INSTANCE_ID} \
  --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSession \
  --parameters '{"portNumber":["3389"],"localPortNumber":["13389"]}'

# RDP to localhost:13389, use .pem file to get the password

3. Sensitive data with AWS Secrets Manager & AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store

  • Deploy AWS resources with AWS CDK.
cd 3-sensitive-data

yarn && yarn build

cdk deploy --require-approval never
  • Edit 3-sensitive-data/setup and replace IAM role ARN with the output from CDK.
  • EKS envelope encryption, Sealed Secrets and External Secrets
# Envelope encryption - Check AWS CloudTrail Event

kubectl get secret envelope-encryption -o jsonpath="{.data.value}" | base64 --decode

# Sealed Secrets

kubectl get SealedSecret -o yaml

kubectl get secret sealed-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.value}" | base64 --decode

# External Secrets

kubectl get ExternalSecret -o yaml

kubectl get secret external-secrets-secrets-manager -o jsonpath="{.data.value}" | base64 --decode

kubectl get secret external-secrets-parameter-store -o jsonpath="{.data.value}" | base64 --decode

4. Amazon RDS/Aurora - IAM database authentication

  • Deploy AWS resources with AWS CDK.
# Create key pair named 'security-tips'.

cd 4-iam-database-authentication

yarn && yarn build

cdk deploy --require-approval never
  • Login to the bastion host and create database user.
ssh -i <.pem file> ec2-user@<ec2 instance id>

sudo su -

mysql -h ${DB_HOSTNAME} -u admin -p

CREATE USER 'user' IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin as 'RDS';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON demo.* TO 'user'@'%';

  • Generate token and test.
TOKEN="$(aws rds generate-db-auth-token \
 --hostname $DB_HOSTNAME \
 --port 3306 \
 --region ap-southeast-1 \
 --username user)"


mysql -h ${DB_HOSTNAME} -u user --password=${TOKEN} --ssl-ca=./rds-combined-ca-bundle.pem --enable-cleartext-plugin
  • Edit 4-iam-database-authentication/lib/iam-database-authentication-stack.ts and replace RDS resource ID. Then, deploy with CDK again.

cd 4-iam-database-authentication

yarn build

cdk deploy --require-approval never

  • Test the AWS Lambda function and check the log.