I decided to do some widgets for AwesomeWM and so I thought in opening a
repository, and here we are.
- Weather: A simple way to
the weather of your current region in your bar using just wttr.in.
- Spotify Bar: A widget to control the Spotify using only your wibar.
- APT Updates: Widget to view updates count in your wibar.
Name |
Description |
curl |
A command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax. |
awesome-git |
Highly configurable framework window manager. |
sp |
Spotify CLI controller |
The implementation of widgets is simple and fast, just follow a few steps
- Clone this repository and copy the files to the Awesome WM configuration directory. eg:
git clone https://github.com/paodelonga/awesome-widgets.git
cp --recursive --parents awesome-widgets/widgets/ ~/.config/awesome/
- And then go to the init.lua file and uncomment the line referring to the required widget
-- To activate a Widget, move the line outside the comment block.
return {
- widget_name = require("widgets.widget_name")
+ widget_name = require("widgets.widget_name")
The installation of some widgets may be different, so check the widget README for the correct installation method.
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