
Bamazon is an Amazon-like storefront with the MySQL. This app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory. Also, it can also track product sales across your store's departments and then provide a summary of the highest-grossing departments in the store.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Bamazon is an Amazon-like storefront with the MySQL. This app will take in orders from customers and deplete stock from the store's inventory. Also, it can also track product sales across your store's departments and then provide a summary of the highest-grossing departments in the store.


You can watch the demo of the Bamazon customer at the link below.

Watch the video for Bamazon demo



In order to run this application, you should have the MySQL database already set up on your machine. If you don't, visit the MySQL installation page to install the version you need for your operating system. Once you have MySQL isntalled, you will be able to create the Bamazon database and the products table with the SQL code found in bamazon.sql. Run this code inside your MySQL client like MySQL Workbench to populate the database, then you will be ready to proceed with running the Bamazon customer and manager interfaces. The products data is also available in the ListofProducts spreadsheet.

Customer Interface

The customer interface allows the user to view the current inventory of store items: item IDs, descriptions, department in which the item is located and price. The user is then able to purchase one of the existing items by entering the item ID and the desired quantity. If the selected quantity is currently in stock, the user's order is fulfilled, displaying the total purchase price and updating the store database. If the desired quantity is not available, the user is prompted to modify their order.

To run the customer interface please follow the steps below:

git clone git@github.com:paogemoua/bamazon.git
cd bamazon
npm install
node bamazonCustomer.js

Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • MySQL
  • npm packages


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



Paoge Moua - primary author


Distributed under the MIT license.


Project Status

  • 12.09.2018 Project open - in progress
  • 12.15.2018 Major details finalize & upload to GitHub
  • 12.16.2018 Minor updates - in progress
  • 12.17.2018 Minor updates finalize - more updates coming