
Wrapper app to containerise via Docker a solution to CNI 2019 Challenge

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This app was created for submissions to the MICCAI CNI 2019 Challenge: http://www.brainconnectivity.net/challenge.html

Submissions are accepted as containerised Docker images. This allows you to submit your Challenge solution in your choice of open-source language and version. And it enables us to easily run your solution without having to install multiple programs required for execution.

The cni_challenge.py app is a wrapper for you to add your code/package which is then containerised by Docker. While this is coded in Python and currently contains a bare bones example also in Python, other languages are possible.

NB: This current repo does not have a working demonstration in C yet. More to come on that.

For further information on the pre-requisites and Challange rules/requirements: http://miccai.brainconnectivity.net/challenge_subm.html

cni_challenge.py is a ChRIS-based application: https://github.com/FNNDSC/CHRIS_docs, for more information on the original ChRIS-app: https://github.com/FNNDSC/cookiecutter-chrisapp.

This bare bones example demonstrates a python program which performs a rotation on a list of vectors. It will demonstrate how to pass in string inputs, read in and output to respective, mandatory directories, and how to incorporate python code and packages for the app to retrieve and for Docker to containerize.

python cni_challenge.py                                         \
    [-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>]                          \
    [--version]                                                 \
    [--man]                                                     \
    [--meta]                                                    \
    <inputDir>                                                  \
    <outputDir>                                                 \
    [--run_option < python || C >]                              \
    [--rot <matrix_file.txt>]                                   \
  1. Install Python (3.5+) and pip (which is usually installed with Python)
  2. Create a GitHub account on https://github.com/ if you don't already have one, and install on machine.
  3. Create a Docker account on https://hub.docker.com/ if you don't already have one.
  4. Install latest Docker (17.04.0+) if you want to test your plugin's docker image and containers on your local machine. To install on Ubuntu 18.04:
apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io
apt install docker.io

Otherwise, visit https://docs.docker.com/install/ for installation directions

  1. Fork or clone this pl-cni_challenge repository to your GitHub.

  2. Log onto your Docker Hub account and create a new repository with automated build. In 'Account Settings' -> 'Linked Accounts', connect your GitHub account to Docker.

    Then back in your DockerHub home, click the Create Repository + button. The website page will walk you through setting up the automated build. When prompted for the GitHub repository that you’d like to use for the automated build select the pl-cni_challenge repository that you just forked/cloned. Name the Docker repository ${cni_challenge_DockerRepo} and make it Public.

    It is extremely important that you tag your automatically built docker image with an appropriate version number based on your GitHub tags. Create a new build rule by clicking the BUILD RULES + button. A good rule good be Source type: Tag, Source: /^[0-9.]+$/ and Docker Tag: version-{sourceref}.

    Click Create && Build button to finish the setup and trigger the automated build. For more information on Automated Builds, please visit https://docs.docker.com/docker-hub/builds/.

    After ths build has completed, the cni_challenge bare bones example is now available as a Docker image to be pulled from your DockerHub. The link to it will be ${your_Docker_account name}/${cni_challenge_DockerRepo}.

Mandatory. A directory which contains all necessary input files.

Mandatory. A directory where output will be saved. Must be universally writable to.

[--run_option < python || C >
Mandatory for bare bones example. C example still to come!

[--rot <matrix_file.txt>]
Mandatory for bare bones example. String of file containing rotation matrices.

[-v <level>] [--verbosity <level>]
Verbosity level for app. Not used currently.

If specified, print version number.

If specified, print (this) man page.

If specified, print plugin meta data.

This plugin can be run in two modes: natively as a python package or as a containerised Docker image.

cni_challenge.py --man

to get inline help.

cni_challenge.py /destination/to/inputdir /destination/to/outputdir --run_option python --rot rotation_matrices.txt

Pull the latest cni_challenge image to your local machine:

docker pull ${your_Docker_account name}/${cni_challenge_DockerRepo}

To run using docker, be sure to assign the input directory to /incoming and the output directory to /outgoing. Make sure that the $(pwd)/outputdir directory is world writable!. These directories must be named inputdir and outputdir. For the bare bones example, copy the expected input files (rotation_matrices.txt and vectors.txt) from the GitHub repo.

mkdir inputdir outputdir && chmod 777 outputdir
cp ${cni_challenge_github_repo}/inputdir/* $(pwd)/inputdir

Now, prefix all calls with

sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/inputdir:/incoming -v $(pwd)/outputdir:/outgoing ${your_Docker_account name}/${cni_challenge_DockerRepo} cni_challenge.py /incoming /outgoing --rot rotation_matrix.txt

The output file of rotated vectors, classifications.txt, will be in outputdir.

Thus, getting inline help is:

sudo docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/inputdir:/incoming -v $(pwd)/outputdir:/outgoing      \
             pl-cni_challenge cni_challenge.py                                       \
             --man                                                                   \
             /incoming /outgoing
  • Python packages that are required should be listed in requirements.txt which will be pip installed and included in the Docker container.
  • For implementations in C or C++, the executable needs to be created in first such that make instructions should be included in Dockerfile (an example of this is to come).

These requirements are to help us systematically execute and assess Challenge solutions:

  • Input and output directories are named inputdir and outputdir, respectively. Your code should expect to read in data from inputdir as is structured in the pl-cni_challenge repo as this is how our test data will be structured.
  • Output should be a text file in outputdir called classification.txt. classification.txt should contain the classification label for each subject with one subject per row (a single column of values). Labels should be 0 = Control, and 1 = Patient. For information on our performance evaluation criterias, see: http://miccai.brainconnectivity.net/challenge_eval.html
  • To be considered for a prize, at least one author of a Challenge submission must register for the CNI Challenge or Workshop at MICCAI 2019.