Discovering the Higgs boson

This project is the first group assignment for the Machine Learning course (CS-443) at EPFL. It implements a classification machine learning model from scratch for the purpose to find the Higgs boson using original data from CERN (Kaggle challenge).

The final model achieved a categorical accuracy of 0.809 and f1 score of 0.730.

Getting started


The raw data can be downloaded form the webpage of the AIcrowd challenge:
The data should be located in the data/ directory in csv format.

The documentation of the provided dataset can be found here:


Our paper regarding the methodology and the experiments of the proposed model is located under the report/ directory in LaTeX and pdf format.


Project dependencies are located in the requirements.txt file.
To install them you should run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Project Architecture

The source code of this project is structured in the following manner.

│  requirements.txt
├─docs/                        # documentation of the problem
├─data/                        # the data directory
├─notebooks/                   # experimentation and exploration notebooks
│    predictions/              # directory to store predictions
└─src/            # Class `DataLoader` responsible for data loading and splitting.          # Classes `DataCleaning` and `FeatureEngineering` responsible for missing values imputation, 
                                 treatment of outliers, standardization, normalization and polynomial expansion.        # Functions responsible for model training and testing.                  # Functions responsible for loss functions and gradient computations.             # Class `Evaluation` responsible for the computation of classification evaluation metrics.          # Functions responsible for data visualization.     # `main()` function that tests the performance of vanilla models with cross-validation 
                                 without any feature engineering.    # `main()` function that runs hyper-parameter tuning and cross-validation, 
                                 storing the performance of each tested model.                    # `main()` function that selects the hyper-parameters of the model with the best performance, 
                                 trains the model on all training data and produces predictions on the test dataset.

Running vanilla models

To run and assess the vanilla models, please run the following command:

python src/

Running model selection

To run the model selection process, please run the following command:

python src/

Running final model

To train the final model and test it in the testing data, please run the following command:

python src/