
Metabase with the grafana stack

Primary LanguagePython

Contents of this docker-compose

Metabase with several products of the grafana stack to monitor


  1. Metabase
  2. bun api: gets the log lines and sends that to Loki
  3. python api: disabled for now, will get the log lines and populate prometheus with metrics
  4. setup: will just set up Metabase
  5. loki: log ingestor
  6. prometheus: metrics scraper
  7. tempo: traces ingestor
  8. grafana: metrics visualizations

The Metabase server runs with a jmx, pyroscope and otel agents which send the data to tempo and prometheus. The bun api gets the log lines which are sent via log4j2 and sends that to loki

There's a pre-defined dashboard in grafana and also all the data sources get populated on start