
A Metabase sidecar that will override a certain permission logic

Primary LanguageShell

Override a specific Metabase API method

This project shows how to override a specific Metabase API call from the frontend

    +-------------+             +-------------+             +-------------+  
    |             |             |             |             |             | 
    |    User     |- - - - - - >|    Nginx    |- - - - - - >|  Metabase   |   
    |             |             |             |             |             | 
    +-------------+             +-------------+             +-------------+  
                                      |                            ^
                                      |                            |
                                      |                            |
                               +---------------+                   |
                               |     API       |                   |
                               |     POST      |- - - - - - - - - - 
                               | /api/database |


Metabase adds all databases with unrestricted permissions, in case someone wants to add a database with "No self service" permissions, you need to explicitly do that in the permissions section


Build an API that will act as a sidecar to the Metabase APIs, capturing specifically the call to the database endpoint when someone adds a database (POST /api/database) and then calling the permissions endpoint to remove the "Unrestricted" permissions after the database has been added.

Nginx is set up in a way to redirect the POST calls to the database endpoint to an API that runs in a container. This API is in charge of the custom logic.

How to test

  1. install Docker
  2. clone this repo
  3. run docker compose up on the root folder
  4. wait till nginx is up and then go to http://localhost:8080
  5. Add a database (there's one on the hostname postgres, username metabase, password metasample123, database sample that's also in the docker compose stack you just raised)
  6. check the permissions section