
Dump DB schemas in a deterministic order to compare

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Schema dumper

How to run

NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 mb_host=https://localhost:8443 db_host=localhost username=metabase password=mysecretpassword engine=postgres db=metabase schema=public bun index.js > output.txt

with the following env vars

  • NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: just for calling instances with self signed certs so the program runs
  • mb_host: the URL where Metabase runs, it's just for getting the version of the application
  • db_host: the host of the database, for connecting to it
  • username: database username, needs to be a username that can query the information schema
  • password: the password of the database username
  • engine: which db engine you're using (right now only postgres is supported)
  • db: the database where the application database is located
  • schema: the schema where the application database is located


  • bun (bun.sh)

Install requirements with "bun install" before using