Remote Control Server

A remote control library for the ESP8266. This library has the purpose of letting a user control the device through the local network in a secure way, with the use of TLS encryption and a username/password authentication. The messages are exchanged through a custom protocol based on serialized string maps through the SerialMap class.


The library is build upon a mix of the Arduino library, the ESP library for Socket I/O and the C++ standard library.

The requirements thus are the Arduino framework, the ESP8266 library and support for the C++ standard library up to C++11.


The main feature of this library is the encryption of the data exchanged between the server and the clients and the authentication, achieved through the use of TLS and a basic user/password combination sent with every request. The encryption algorithms may slow down the client-server communications, although this guarantees a layer of security to avoid unauthorized use of the server.

The communication protocol is based upon null-terminated key/value pairs represented as strings, used in a request/response messages exchange. The client first sends the authentication data, the server then answers with a result message, and if the authentication was successful the client sends an action packet, where it specifies the requested action in the action key.

Since the device has to be connected to a local network to operate, it initially won't have any configuration set to connect to a WLAN access point. So it switches to Access Point mode, where a client can connect to the access point WiFi and, after authentication, send the credentials for connecting to the WiFi router.

The device at this point stores the credential in the emulated EEPROM and attempts a connection to the given WiFi station. If the connection is not successful, it switches back to the AP mode. If the connection was successful, it opens a TCP socket on a given port, accepting connections, while periodically broadcasting an UDP packet on the local network to notify clients of the service availability.

The classes

  • RemoteControlServer<N>

    This is the main class used to set up the server and get it running. It has to be instanciated with a RemoteControlServerSettings class containing everything needed for the server to be fully operative. This class has to be instanciated ideally in the static section of your source file, and the execute method has to be called in the loop function.

    The N template parameter specifies how many actions will your server, at maximum, handle.

    RemoteControlSettings serverSetup();
    void setPinAction(ActionMap& action, Stream& output);
    RemoteControlServer<5> server(serverSetup());
    void setup()
        // ...
        server.addAction("setpin", setPinAction)
    void loop()
        // ...
    RemoteControlSettings serverSetup()
        RemoteControlSettings settings;
        // define the settings
        settings.ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS.WIFI_AP_SSID = "MyWifi";
        settings.ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS.WIFI_AP_PASS = "myv3rystr0ngp4ssw0rd";
        settings.ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS.WIFI_AP_HIDDEN = false;
        // ...
        settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.HOSTNAME = "myserver";
        settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.PORT = 12345;
        settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.AUTH_USERNAME = "johnwick";
        settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.AUTH_PASSWORD = "you'lln3v3rgu3ssth1sp4ss";
        // ...
        return settings;
    void setPinAction(ActionMap& action, Stream& output)
        if(action.has("pin") && action.has("level"))
            digitalWrite((*action.get("pin")).toInt(), (*action.get("level")) == "high" ? HIGH : LOW);
        return false;
    • void addAction(const String &name, ActionCallback callback)

      This method binds the given action to a callback. The return value of the callback is a flag indicating whether to terminate the server and switch to AP mode. For instance, to turn on a LED after the client sends the action ledon, you call the method like this:

      server.addAction("setled", [](ActionMap& action, Stream& output) {
              digitalWrite(LED_PIN, (*action.get("value")) == "on" ? HIGH : LOW);
          return false;

      Or if you wanted an action to switch back to AP mode to receive a new WiFi configuration:

      server.addAction("apmode", [](ActionMap& map, Stream& output) {
          return true;
    • void setOnClientConnectionCallback(std::function<void(const String &, int)> callback)

      This method sets the given callback to be executed every time a client connects to the server

      server.setOnClientConnectionCallback([](const String& remoteIp, int remotePort) {
          Serial.print("New connection from: ");
          Serial.print(" on port ");
    • void setOnConnectionCloseCallback(std::function<void(void)> callback)

      This method sets the given callback to be executed when the connection with the client is about to end

    • void setOnServerTerminationCallback(std::function<void(void)> callback)

      This method sets the given callback to be executed when the main server is terminated (e.g. after the action callback returns true)

    • void setLoopCallback(std::function<void(void)> callback)

      This one sets the given callback to be executed while the server is: busy awaiting for a WiFi connection, in the AP server awaiting for client connections and in the main server awaiting for client connections. The callback is useful to do other stuff while the code execution is not in control of the loop() function, sort of emulating it but with a slower execution rate.

  • RemoteControlSettings

    This class stores the settings needed to initialize the server. It's composed of two more objects, one for the Access-Point-related configuration, and one for the main server configuration.

    • AccessPointSettings ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS

      • char * WIFI_AP_SSID

        The name of the Access-Point WiFi network

      • char * WIFI_AP_PASS

        The password of the Access-Point WiFi network

      • bool WIFI_AP_HIDDEN

        Whether the Access Point shall be hidden

      • int WIFI_AP_CHANNEL

        The channel of the WiFi Access Point

      • int WIFI_AP_MAX_CONN

        The max connections the WiFi Access Point can accept

      • IPAddress WIFI_AP_IP_ADDRESS

        The IP address of the server in AP mode

      • IPAddress WIFI_AP_IP_GATEWAY

        The IP address of the gateway in AP mode

      • IPAddress WIFI_AP_SUBNET

        The subnet mask of the local network in AP mode

      • char * AUTH_USER

        The authentication username

      • char * AUTH_PASS

        The authentication password

      • int PORT

        The server port

      • int TIMEOUT_MS

        The connection timeout

      • char *CERTIFICATE

        The server certificate in PEM format

      • char *PRIVATE_KEY

        The server private key in PEM format

    • CommandServerSettings COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS

      • char * HOSTNAME

        The hostname of the server in the Local Network

      • int PORT

        The server port

      • char * AUTH_USERNAME

        The username for the authentication

      • char * AUTH_PASSWORD

        The password for the authentication

      • int UDP_PORT

        The UDP broadcast port

      • char *UDP_PACKET

        The UDP packet to transmit

      • size_t UDP_PACKET_SIZE

        The UDP packet size

      • int UDP_RATE_MS

        The rate at which to transmit the UDP packet

      • char *CERTIFICATE

        The server certificate in PEM format

      • char *PRIVATE_KEY

        The server private key in PEM format

      • int TIMEOUT_MS

        The connection timeout

      • int WIFI_TIMEOUT_S

        The timeout after which the device will stop trying to connecto to the wifi and switch to AP mode instead

    RemoteControlSettings settings;
    settings.ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS.WIFI_AP_PASS = "myv3rystr0ngp4ssw0rd";
    // ...
    settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.HOSTNAME = "myserver";
    settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.PORT = 12345;
    settings.COMMAND_SERVER_SETTINGS.AUTH_PASSWORD = "you'lln3v3rgu3ssth1sp4ss";
    // ...

    Then in the loop section of your project you only need to call the execute function:

    void loop()
  • SerialMap<T, N>

    The SerialMap class is at the base of the socket communication protocol. The template parameters T and N are, respectively, the type of the string class used for storing strings (it's there only to support the Arduino String and the std::string types indifferently) and the max number of key/value pairs the map is allowed to contain.

    This class supports serialization and de-serialization out-of-the box, through the constructor accepting an array of char, and through the serialize method which writes the serialized data to an array of char.

    Anothe feature it supports is reading and writing directly to Arduino Stream objects, avoiding the manual creation of a buffer, through the static method ::fromStream(Stream&) and the instance method write(Stream&).

    • SerialMap()

      This is the default constructor, initializing an empty map.

    • SerialMap(const char *buffer, size_t len)

      This constructor initializes the map from the provided char array

    • static SerialMap fromStream(Stream &stream, int timeout)

      This static method initializes the map from the given Stream object, reading the data directly from it.

    • size_t serialize(char *data, size_t len) const

      Serialized the map content to a char array, returning the size of the written data.

    • void write(Stream &stream)

      Writes the serialized data directly to the provided Stream object.

    Inherited from the base Map class

    • bool put(const T &key, const E &value)

      Sets the key/value pair on the map object, returning false if the map is full.

    • const E *get(const T &key) const

      Gets a pointer to the value associated with the given key. It returns a pointer to the value, and nullptr when the given key has not been found. The map can also be accessed through the index operator:

      String *value = map["key"];
    • bool remove(const T &key)

      Attempts removing a key/value pair from the map, returning false if the given key has not been found.

    • bool has(const T &key) const

      Returns true if the map contains the given key, false otherwise.

    • int getSize() const

      Returns the map size