Manifests for OpenShift

This repo contains the Manifests files we are using to Operate First cluster:

OpenShift Console: [] Service Registry Instance: []

The project uses kustomization and in particular the Overlay functionality, that allows to define basic configuration and a collection of patches(overlays) we can apply on the basic definitions.

Currently the base folder define a basic Service Registry deployement, that could work as is. While overlay_limitador includes the instructions to add all the resources needed to run Limitador, including the instruction to patch the Deployment definition in the base folder to add a Sidecar Envoy Proxy container.

The folder prod represents what will be deployed to Operate First cluster.

To apply the kustomization command locally, to verify what is the output of the applied overlay you can run this command:

cd manifests/registry
oc get -k ./overlay_limitador/ -o yaml | tee log.txt

Multitenancy enabled deployment

The overlay_multitenancy contains configuration files for deploying Apicurio Registry with multitenancy enabled.

oc apply -k ./manifests/registry/overlay_multitenancy/

Ingresses for local testing

If you are using Kind for testing kubernetes locally in your computer, you can use manifests in local_testing for configuring ingresses to Apicurio Registry and Tenant Manager.

oc apply -k ./manifests/registry/local_testing/