
Collection of my personal notes.

Primary LanguageTeX


Welcome to my notes! The following is a collection of math notes and related subjects. These notes are organized using the stellar software.

Website preview

universe preview course preview

How to run

Install stellar and clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/paolobettelini/notes

Set the necessary enviromental variables:

NOTESPATH # pointing to the notes/ directory
MONGO_CONNECTION_URL # connection URL to mongodb

Install the required libraries (some snippets require npm and wasm-pack to compile)

pacman -S tectonic npm wasm-pack git

Install the compiler (or download it from the releases)

cd notes/compiler
cargo build --release
mv target/release/compile /usr/local/bin/notes

Compile everything

cd source
notes # compiles everything
cd ..

It is advisable to set the CARGO_TARGET_DIR variable so that the rust projects share the same target folder.

Then, start the web server

stellar web --data data/ --connection-url $MONGO_CONNECTION_URL

Go to localhost:8080/search.

Compiler usage

notes # compiles everything
notes Something # compiles everything that contains "Something"
notes -r "S|T|N|G" # compiles everything that matches the regex
notes --latex # compiles all the latex files
notes --snippets # compiles all the universes
notes --pages # compiles all the universes
notes --courses # compiles all the universes
notes --universes # compiles all the universes
notes --universes -r "..." # compiles all the universes that match the regex

Fish configuration

If you're writing notes using stellar you might find this setup useful (~/.config/fish/config.fish):

set --export MONGO_CONNECTION_URL "mongodb://" # modify accordingly
set --export NOTES_PATH "/home/user/notes" # modify accordingly

function startstellar
  sudo -v
  sudo stellar web --data "$NOTES_PATH/data" --connection-url $MONGO_CONNECTION_URL --port 80

function stopstellar
  sudo -v
  set pid (sudo lsof -t -i :80)
  if test -z "$pid"
    echo "Server was not open"
    sudo kill -9 $pid
    echo "Server was killed"

function updatenotes
  sudo -v
  set latest_url (curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/paolobettelini/notes/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | cut -d '"' -f 4)
  set temp_file /tmp/notes_latest
  curl -L -o $temp_file $latest_url
  chmod +x $temp_file
  sudo mv $temp_file /usr/local/bin/notes

function updatestellar
  sudo -v
  set latest_url (curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/paolobettelini/stellar/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | cut -d '"' -f 4)
  set temp_file /tmp/stellar_latest
  curl -L -o $temp_file $latest_url
  chmod +x $temp_file
  sudo mv $temp_file /usr/local/bin/stellar

Cite me

  author    = {Paolo Bettelini},
  title     = {notes},
  year      = {2024},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal   = {GitHub repository}