
Tool for ensuring your shiny Single Page App can handle unexpected http responses.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Single page applications make extensive use of xhr requests. However, as developers, we often don't check for scenarios that involve non-200 responses. Thus, we deploy our SPAs expecting the best, until we're notified that our beautiful app is breaking in production.

chaos-donkey is a reverse-proxy that returns non-200 responses for your xhr requests. It allows you to see how your application will perform when things go wrong.


npm i -g chaos-donkey


> chaos-donkey <configuration yaml>

> chaos-donkey ./fixtures/mean-todomvc.yml

The configuration yaml is a file that contains the following:

# This is your SPA
origin: mean-todomvc.herokuapp.com

 - path: /path/to/your/endpoint
   # List the possible status codes you want your application to return
   # If you don't specify this, it will return these status codes: 200, 403, 404, 500, 503
     - 200
     - 500

See other examples in the fixtures folder.