ErlangDC Elixir Workshop

This is the code and text for a three hour elixir workshop on December 7, 2013 in Washington, D.C. for the ErlangDC one day conference.

Running it

To run this presentation, do the following:

bundle # Then make sure you've done a `git submodule init; git submodule update` in the reveal-ck gem
cd deck/introduction_to_elixir/basic_elixir/
reveal-ck generate
servedir # this is an alias I have that just does `ruby -run -e httpd . -p 9091` to serve current dir files on port 9091

Prep Work

There will be live coding examples, so go ahead and get a tmux session open on both monitors so you don't have to look at the screen to see what you're typing:

In one terminal, which goes on your laptop screen:

# (then rename the session to 'examples')

And in another, which goes on the projector:

tmux a -t examples
  • Introduction to Elixir
    • Basic Elixir [25 minutes]
    • Testing [20 minutes]
    • Slightly less basic Elixir (but still pretty basic) [25 minutes]
  • Introduction to OTP with Elixir
    • Servers [15 minutes]
    • Finite State Machines [20 minutes]
    • GenEvent [15 minutes]
    • Supervisors [20 minutes]


Since it's a comically long talk, it's broken up into the following sections:

  • Introduction to Elixir
    • Basic Elixir [25 minutes]
      • Data Types
        • Atoms
        • Numbers
        • Lists
        • Tuples
        • Keyword Lists
        • Regular Expressions
        • Booleans
      • Pattern Matching
        • Match Operator
        • Some basic matches
        • Function Definitions
        • Case Statements
      • Functions
        • Defining Anonymous Functions
        • Calling Anonymous Functions
        • Using Functions as First-Class Types
      • Mix and Modules
        • Using mix to begin a new project
        • Defining a module
        • Compiling a module
        • Module definitions have return values
        • Document a Module
        • Generating documentation output using ExDoc
    • Testing [20 minutes]
      • What is Testing For?
      • Unit Testing
        • ExUnit
        • Defining Tests
        • Assertions
        • Examples / live coding
        • Plug
        • Doctests - ZOMG
    • Slightly less basic Elixir (but still pretty basic) [25 minutes]
      • List Comprehensions
      • Records
      • Pipe Operator
      • Recursion
      • Processes
  • Introduction to OTP with Elixir
    • Servers [15 minutes]
    • Finite State Machines [20 minutes]
    • GenEvent [15 minutes]
    • Supervisors [20 minutes]
      • Basic
      • Adding Persistent State (let it crash...but don't forget stuff)
  • Building a project with Elixir
    • Unsure what project I need to do here...figure it out