
List of available arguments for "Laurea Magistrale" theses in nuclear physics


List of available arguments for "Laurea Magistrale" theses in nuclear physics

  1. BCS-BEC crossover: Analysis of superfluid solutions in nuclear systems and study of the BCS-BEC crossover

  2. Double folding (in collaboration with M. Vorabbi, BNL): development of an optical potential for nucleus-nucleus scattering

  3. Faddeev equations (in collaboration with M. Vorabbi, BNL): study of alpha-alpha systems within a few-boy approximation, ground state and excited states of alpha cluster systems

  4. Local Potentials (in collaboration with M. Vorabbi, BNL): development of local version of successful non-local potentials and applications with FRESCO and TALYS codes

  5. Quantum computing in nuclear physics: Toy model for simple nuclear physics applications for quantum computers

  6. Quasielastic electron (e,e'p) scattering (in collaboration with C. Giusti, Pavia U.): see the folder

  7. Machine learning applications to nuclear physics: see the folder