Lattice QCD for Novices

This is my attempt at this program.


  1. Computing the ground state of the harmonic oscillator
  2. Computing the first excited state of the harmonic oscillator using $x(t)$ in the correlator
  3. Computing the first excited state of the harmonic oscillator using $x^3(t)$ in the correlator
  4. Error & correlation analysis of harmonic oscillator results
  5. Show that $\langle 0 | \Gamma (0) | \phi : p=0 \rangle = \frac{Z_2}{2m_{\phi}}$
  6. Improved action for the harmonic oscillator
  7. Dealing with ghost states by numerical corrections to discretised frequency for harmonic oscillator
  8. Dealing with ghost states by numerical corrections to discretised frequency for anharmonic oscillator
  9. Twisted rectangle improvement
  10. Show that $\langle 0 | \frac{1}{3} \text{Tr} U_{\mu} | 0 \rangle $ is equal to the landau gauge in the limit $a \to 0$
  11. Pure gauge simulation to compute plaquette and rectangle expectation values with wilson and rectangular improved actions
  12. Computing the static quark anti-quark potential.