
Weekly assignment about latent class cluster analysis, Gaussian mixtures, t-mixtures, skew-normal mixtures, and skew-t mixtures.

Primary LanguageR

Exercise 1

On the Virtuale page of the course you find the dataset stars5000.dat. You can read it using stars5000 <- read.table("stars5000.dat",header=TRUE) The data contain information about 5000 celestial objects (most of these are stars, but objects also include quasars, distant galaxies, and a certain amount of optical noise) of which spectra were obtained by mounting a prism in front of a telescope. The aim is to find classes of celestial objects with specific characteristics. There are six variables containing summary information of the spectra (original spectra contain 300 highly dependent variables; the original database contains about 4 million objects). These are casn Signal-to-noise ratio of the Calcium break (which is a characteristic discontinuity in spectra of galaxies) cacont Contrast of the Calcium break to smoothed version of the spectrum kl1 First principal component of smoothed spectrum kl2 Second principal component of smoothed spectrum xh1 “Half power point” in upper spectrum xh2 “Half power point” in lower spectrum (these are indicators of where trhe spectral density is concentrated) Obviously you are not expected to understand the meaning of these in any detail. What is interesting regarding applied statistics is that the astronomers, with some help from statisticians, used a judicious mix of subject-matter knowledge (knowing what kind of information in the spectra is important) and statistical techniques (such as principal component analysis and kernel density smoothing) in order to reduce the highly redundant and noisy high dimensional information in the original spectra. Such an approach is often better than relying on the data (or the scientists’ knowledge) alone. Cluster these data using Gaussian mixtures, t-mixtures, skew-normal mixtures, and skew-t mixtures, and decide which clustering you find most convincing, with reasons. Although methods with flexible covariance/shape matrices can in principle handle variables with very different variances, value ranges here are vastly different, and standardisation may help, maybe in a robust manner (using median and MAD) because of the presence of outliers. If you have time, you can compare how much of a difference that makes.

Exercise 2

The flexmixedruns function used to fit the latent class categorical mixture on the course slides is in package fpc. There is another R-function to fit that model, namely poLCA in package poLCA. I’d have expected the poLCA function to be as good as flexmixedruns or better (because I wrote the flexmixedruns function myself and did it pretty quickly), however the poLCA function couldn’t handle the Veronica example because there were probably too many variables. The package poLCA has an example dataset for latent class clustering with categorical variables that are not just binary called “election”, to be loaded by data(election) (requiring library(poLCA)); also look up the election help page for some documentation about this data. The categorical variables to be clustered are variables 1-12 (to be extracted before clustering; this can be done by election12 <- election[,1:12]). The dataset has missing values. There are two different ways of handling them in the latent class analysis. The first one is to only use the 1311 observations (out of 1785) that do not have missing values. You can extract them like this: electioncomplete <- election12[complete.cases(election12),] The second way is to define a new category for the missing values, i.e., replacing all missing values NA by a category called “NA”. Note that all the variables are of type “factor”, and this requires to define a new factor level: electionwithna <- election12 for (i in 1:12){ levels(electionwithna[,i]) <- c(levels(election12[,i]),"NA") electionwithna[is.na(election12[,i]),i] <- "NA" } Run the following clusterings and compare them using MDS plots based on the simple matching distance. Use two different MDS outputs, one for clusterings computed on electioncomplete and one for clusterings computed on electionwithna. Also compute ARIs for every pair of clustering. Where you compare one clustering based on electioncomplete with 1311 observations and one clustering based on electionwithna with 1785 observations, only use the 1311 observations without missing values for the ARI computation. Here is an example how you can extract these: clustering_to_compare <- clustering_with_na[complete.cases(election12)] (a) Compute a latent class clustering with 3 clusters using poLCA as shown on the help page of election (model nes3). This will automatically only use complete cases, so running it as on the help page is equivalent to running it on electioncomplete. (b) Compute a latent class clustering with 3 clusters using poLCA on the electionwithna data. (c) Compute a latent class clustering with 3 clusters using flexmxedruns on the electioncomplete data. (d) Compute a latent class clustering with 3 clusters using flexmixedruns on the electionwithna data. (e) Compute a distance-based clustering of your choice with 3 clusters based on the simple matching distance on the electioncomplete data. (f) Compute the same distance-based clustering with 3 clusters on the electionwithna data. (g) Either on electioncomplete or on electionwithna (your choice), compute a latent class clustering using flexmxedruns with estimated number of clusters. Remark: Using the simple matching distance there is a third way of handling missing values, which is to average the distance for every pair of observations only over those variables with both observations non-missing, i.e., the way missing values are handled in the Gower coefficient. This is just for information; you are not asked to use this here, although it is in general, when running a distance-based clustering, preferable to complete cases only analysis.