
Commodore 64 assembly cross compiler template (for OSX)

Primary LanguageMakefile


_________   ________   _____
\_   ___ \ /  _____/  /  |  |  Commodore64
/    \  \//   __  \  /   |  |_ cross
\     \___\  |__\  \/    ^   / compiler
 \______  /\_____  /\____   |  template
        \/       \/      |__|  for OSX

This is my cross compiling environment for Commodore64 under OSX. For linux and windows, just download the correct version of the binaries described below, replace them as well as their paths on the Makefile and just run make.

the binaries of the project are

  • bin
    • tempx - A multiplatform cross assembler version of Turbo Macro Pro. (Syntax)
    • petxd - A xxd-like hex dumper that outputs using a Unicode/PETSCII representation.
    • VICE - the "Versatile Commodore Emulator". One of the best multiplataform C64 emulators.

As default, the base source file is main.asm and it should be on /src. to run the emulator just do a make emulate after a compilation or just make full to build and run. Once inside the VICE emulator, LOAD"base",8,1 and SYS _ where _ is the memory address where you put your prg/compiled binary.


$ make
TMPx v1.1.0 [r1141; 2015-08-13 11:11:32]; (c) Style 2008-2015

	Assembled: $1000 - $101f / Writing 34/$0022 bytes incl load address
1000: 20 12 10 60 50 55 54 41 
1008: 52 49 41 20 4d 41 4c 55 
1010: 43 41 a2 00 bd 04 10 20 
1018: d2 ff e8 e0 0e d0 f5 60 


  • create a startup injector and put a tag to enable it
