
A simple dockerizable nodejs webapp with knex, sqlite3 and angular, to test some concepts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple dockerizable nodejs webapp with knex, sqlite3 and angular, to test some concepts.


  • node js
  • npm
  • bower
  • express 4.13.3+
  • knex 0.8.6+
  • cookie-session 1.4.3+
  • body-parser 1.13.3+
  • sqlite3

Install the basics, as root, with your package manager:

apt-get install nodejs npm
npm install bower -g -s
npm install knex -g -s

Then, install everything with npm:

npm install express knex body-parser cookie-session sqlite3 or just npm install

get angular working on /public by running bower:

cd public && bower install angular

A bower init later help to organize the mess... Or not.


To create the database, and then fill with sample data: knex migrate:latest && knex seed:run

And, then, to start the server: node index.js or npm start on application home. Then go http://localhost:3000/

You need to login. The default account is "admin" and pass "1234"


I wrote a Dockerfile to build a docker image of this project. The base image is node:argon and the whole project is built inside the image. To speed the build process up, build it outside and just copy dependencies and everything would help, but this is just a concept. Also, sqlite3 database file is created inside, making it ephemeral.

  • To build: docker build -t "paoloo/wallapp" .
  • To run: docker run "paoloo/wallapp"
  • To test, go http://ip-address:3000 where the IP-address is obtained with: docker inspect `docker ps | grep wallapp | cut -d' ' -f1` | grep "IPAddress" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d',' -f1 where wallapp is the name of the application.



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