
Simple customizable (really) random names generator ✨ REST API, created with Node.js

Primary LanguageC++

Nombrais API

License: MIT
✨ Simple customizable random names generator REST API ✨


Option 1

Given the quantity and the names length:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(names => console.log(names));

Outputs 👇

    seed: '10100',
    name: 'damoa'
    seed: '11011',
    name: 'trist'

Option 2

Given the quantity and the min_length and max_length (random length in that range):

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(names => console.log(names));

Outputs 👇

    seed: '010',
    name: 'ere'
    seed: '10101',
    name: 'lihes'

Option 3

Given the quantity and a seed formatted as binary (0 for vowel, 1 for consonant):

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(names => console.log(names));

Outputs 👇

    seed: '1010111',
    name: 'tiwatny'
    seed: '1010111',
    name: 'yaridrc'


  • Add argument &capitalized=true to capitalize the first character of the names
  • Max quantity allowed is currently 150