Wrapper directive for Google Chart Tools
Interested in contributing to Angular-Google-Chart? Cool! Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for a brief guide to raising issues and submitting Pull Requests.
Development branch is gh-pages
Release branch is master
(idealy), and was created just because Bower needed it.
Please send your pull requests to gh-pages
See sample files index.html and controllers in partials directory. Live Demo
See ChartWrapper and DataTable documentation.
- gauge chart sample
- basic API for hooking into chart events from other directives
- API-level support for listeners/event-handlers on inner chart object
- on-error directive to register listener for google charts error event
- Change package meta-data to reflect support for angular 1.2+
- on-select now returns all selections if
is used instead ofselectedItem
- cancels extra draw cycles if many rapid changes are made to chart-object watched parameters
- changed link function to controller in google-chart directive
- broke out some functionality into separate directives (on-ready, on-select)
- support for
- Revert to AngularJS 1.2.x as requested by user.
- Changed Charts API loader config from a constant to a value to accomodate the use of localization localization features.
- Add before-draw event callback attribute, allowing for last-minute changes from user's javascript (like dynamically resizing chart area for responsive designs).
- Added French local sample.
- Fixed issue where changing view properties didn't cause a redraw.
- Fixed bug with Formatter implementation.
- Fix issue where Select listener function was not called for unselect events.
- Fixed some issues where drawing the chart triggered another call to draw the chart.
attribute is now deprecated, to be removed in a future release. Replaced withon-select
to keep naming consistent withon-ready
- Load Google Charts API with https as default protocol.
- Support for Custom Formatters
- Added and Reorganized Samples
- Improved IE Compatability for API Loading
Exposing a factory googleChartApiPromise
which is a Promise resolved when the google
global object is correctly initialized.
Removed jQuery dependency.
Advanced chart formatter are available. Therefore, compatibility is broken withe the previous version of NumberFormat. Check the demo for usage.
The module is now named googlechart
(instead of googlechart.directives
Try another AngularJS directive that use Highcharts.