
My personal website!

Primary LanguageJavaScript



My personal website, built on React and react-router. I use webpack to place everything into a single bundle.min.js file, even the scss files.


  • Node
  • Webpack
  • Sass


  1. Clone from git and cd into it.
  2. npm install -g webpack to install webpack globally, if there is no webpack yet.
  3. npm install to install all dependencies.
  4. npm run build-js to build the bundle.min.js file. Run this everytime there is a change on the JSX files to build the newest versions.
  5. npm run build-css to build the style.css file.
  6. index.html is now ready!
  7. To build the resume, do npm run build-resume. This requires pdflatex installed. Will copy the resume to the dropbox folder.


Thanks to gpbl/isomorphic500 for the CSS gallery code, found here.

Thanks to Entypo for the free svg icons.