
This folder contains my submission to the assignment Lucky Number in the course PRO192x_2.1-A_VN (Object-Oriented Programming with Java), a part of the path Software Engineering provided by FUNiX.

Primary LanguageJava


This folder contains my submission to the assignment Lucky Number in the course PRO192x_2.1-A_VN (Object-Oriented Programming with Java), a part of the path Software Engineering provided by FUNiX.

About the project

  • The project is a simple game to guess the lucky number - which is previously generated and kept secret, and the project covers Java basics and OOP (the UI is just simple print-outs on console): use Math.random() for random generator, control flow with if-else, variables and expressions in Java, printing out in console, loops in Java.

  • Keyword: Java basics, collections, object-oriented programming, OOP.

Functional description

Lucky number has some following features:

  • Generate a random number (this is so-called Lucky Number) which is between 0 and 100.
  • User inputs his guess and then print out the console "số may mắn nhỏ hơn số dự đoán của bạn" if the lucky number is less than the user's guess; "số may mắn lớn hơn số dự đoán của bạn" if the lucky number is greater than the user's guess; "chúc mừng bạn đã đoán đúng con số may mắn sau x lần dự đoán" if the user gives the right guess (with x is the number of guesses)
  • The guess ends up with the question whether user would like to continue a new turn of guess or not. If yes, continue a new cycle of above steps. Otherwise, report with the total of plays, the total of guess, the average number of guesses per lucky number and the best play. Notes: the program should handle well with different type of "Yes" and "No" (such as "Y", "y", "yES", "n", "nO", etc.)


Further enhancement

  • Add UI with JavaFX or Java Swing for better user interaction.