
LED light control for scale models with STM32F103(aka bluepill)

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LED light control for scale models with STM32F103(aka bluepill)

Control your scaled model lights using PWM signals from small microcontroller. It's recomendded to add a transistor(BJT or MosFET) to drive the landing lights if the current from the MCU is more than 10mA, otherwise you could damage the MCU!

Wiring information:

Logo Lights -> PB9

Strobe Lights -> PA6

Beacon Lights -> PA7

Navigation Lights -> PB8

Landing Lights Left -> PB7

Landing Lights Right -> PB6

How to use

  • Connect the usb cable to your computer

  • Make sure your computer recognises the device a serial port

  • Open a serial monitoring terminal and type the command "help" to get the list of available commands.