
my emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


this is my personal emacs configuration


git clone git@github.com:paperbenni/emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d


# Arch Linux
yay -S emacs python-epc python-orjson # TODO: more, I know there are more, but I'm lazy
rustup component add rust-analyzer

This is kinda unmaintained

I am migrating away from org-mode (back) to vimwiki and obsidian. Emacs is amazing functionality wise, but my god is it slow. I give up. My Ryzen 7 and M2 MacBook cannot deliver a smooth experience and I have not even tried to get this running on my phone. I am genuinely curious if long time emacs users are not bothered by the constant freezes or if they just haven't tried any other IDE in the last 10 years.