
A basic api to help you write your code in computers via a node-js server

Primary LanguageLua


It's a simple api that you can use to write code from your ide directly to computercraft


Just clone the repo into a file on your machine or a server.


Just run in the directory where you cloned the repo

node index.js

The code.lua file is where you'll write the code. You just need to save it when you want to send it.

On the computer you'll need to download the interCraftSourceCode.lua file via this command: wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paperclone22/intercraft/master/intercraftSourceCode.lua

Then you launch the program with this syntax :

[nameOfYourProgramFile] destinationFile urlAddressOfYourServer


intercraftSourceCode code localhost:3000

You can let the args empty and the destination file will be on default to "code" and the urlAddress to "localhost:3000", if you want to specify an address please make sure to write the address with "http://" in front of it.
