- Backwards compatible (explicit opt in).
- Access test context inside lambda functions without being passed parameter.
- Every test gets its own context, sharing parent context, hiding private context.
- Explicity declared contextual properties and functions, so lower contexts can set higher shared properties.
- Contextualized 'global' || 'window', with stronger access and use detection on top of leak detection.
This is a prototype / experimental version of these features, that can be easily 'required' into tests. The purpose of a separate module is to ease exploring the approach and api. Ideally the features will be integrated directly into mocha after feedback.
npm i mocha-ctx
// the context() global is now overloaded
describe('down with lambda discrimination!!! (and this and that and self)', () => {
it('provides "this" via "context()"', function() {
// context() can still be used as an alias for 'describe(title, fn)', but when
// passed no arguments, it now returns the 'this' context. ('describe'
// will fail however; i.e. context !== describe, but now delegates to it)
assert(this === context())
this.immediateContextProp = 1
it('then lets lambdas effectively get to "this" when needed', () => {
// NOTE, we're using context(), but semantic of 'this' hasn't changed yet;
// i.e. tests don't yet have their own context; see what follows
assert(context().immediateContextProp === 1)
describe('explicit context', () => {
before(() => {
// when 'context()' called with an object arg like 'context({props: values})',
// the object is used to explicitly define the shared properties,
// functions, and globals (desribed shortly) of the context, and also
// activates context-per-test semantics for all contained tests
outerProperty: 1,
outerCounter: 0,
sharedFn: function(offset) {return this.outerProperty + offset},
sharedFn2: onset => context().outerCounter - onset // of greater things
beforeEach(() => {
// context() can only be passed a context-defining object when called
// from within a 'before' hook (or 'beforeAll', 'suiteSetup'). the
// following throws
context({notGunnaHappen: true})
// because we're in a 'beforeEach' hook, and the same will throw when
// called with an object in any other.. uhm.. context (i.e. in after, afterEach, it)
// however, context({props: values}) can be called multiple times within
// one or more 'before' hooks, with later calls overiding earlier ones
// made within the same context (i.e. within the same callback
// passed to 'describe()')
describe('layer 1 context', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
describe('layer 2 context', () => {
it('can set a property on ancestor context that ancestor function sees', () => {
context().outerProperty = 100
assert(context().sharedFn(0) === 100)
it('should see same value of higher context properties accross tests', () => {
assert(context().outerProperty === 100)
it('provides each test its own context', () => {
context().testProperty = 10
assert(context().testProperty === 10)
it('then prevents other tests from seeing each others private context', () => {
assert(context().testProperty === undefined)
it('should have made layer 1 count to 5 using outer property context', () => {
assert(context().outerCounter === 5)
describe('globals', () => {
before(() => {
// 'globals' is a distinguished name here, and therefore cant be used
// generally as a name of a property on a context.
globals: {
// by setting 'neverAccess' to 'undefined', we're saying this
// global 'neverAccess' should never be accessed nor set. when
// anything does within this context, it fails. handy as it detects
// attempts to merely use a global somewhere.
neverAccess: undefined,
// this is read only in this context. any sets fail. useful
// for mocking globals when necessary
readOnly: 'read only',
// NOTE!! we save and restore globals, but not deeply; don't forget.
// uhhh... uhmmm...(clearing throat)... *cough*... "prototype!"
// the 'globals' within 'globals', are the, uh, globals to ignore in
// this context; i.e. to whitelist
globals: {
ignored: 'with this init value in this context',
stillIgnored: undefined // but don't init value; it will be what it is
// NOTE!! again, we save and restore globals, but not deeply; don't forget.
// any other globals set in tests, that are not specified above, are automatically
// considered leaks that will cause failure regardless of --check-leaks flag. in
// other words when using mocha-context, you must account for all globals; you
// are 'using' mocha-context whenever you call 'context({props: values})' in a 'before'
after(() => {
// at this point, the globals are restored to the values they had
// prior to executing tests within this context. keep in mind however
// globals are saved and restored, but not deeply; we don't clone
// objects deeply or anything
//***** other interfaces...
// all can explicitly import
var context = require('mocha-ctx')
// or get from globals
// === tdd ===
var context = suite.context
suite('suit', () => {
suiteSetup(() => {
context({givesMeaning: 'to EVERYTHING'})
// === qunit
var context = suite.context
suite('of law')
before(() => {
context({seems: 'a little far fetched...'})
// === exports
module.exports = {
'sumpin sweet': {
before: function() {
andTasty: 'like apple pie'