
PyTorch implementation of Hierarchical Actor Critic (HAC) for OpenAI gym environments

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an implementation of the Hierarchical Actor Critic (HAC) algorithm described in the paper, Learning Multi-Level Hierarchies with Hindsight (ICLR 2019), in PyTorch for OpenAI gym environments. The algorithm learns to reach a goal state by dividing the task into short horizon intermediate goals (subgoals).


  • All the hyperparameters are contained in the train.py file.
  • To train a new network run train.py
  • To test a preTrained network run test.py

To render the environments (Mountain Car and Pendulum) with subgoals (2 or 3 level) replace the gym files in local installation directory gym/envs/classic_control with the files in gym folder of this repo and change the bool render to True

Implementation Details

  • The code is implemented as described in the appendix section of the paper and the Official repository, i.e. without target networks and with bounded Q-values.
  • The Actor and Critic networks have 2 hidded layers of size 64.




(2 levels, H = 20, 200 episodes) (3 levels, H = 5, 200 episodes)
