
Papers We ❤️ Iowa City

Iowa City - Update this file and the code of conduct!

This is the repository for the Iowa City chapter of Papers We Love. As a local chapter we follow the Papers We Love Code of Conduct.

What Is Papers We Love?

Papers We Love is a repository of academic computer science papers and a community who loves reading them.

What was the last paper within the realm of computing you read and loved? What did it inspire you to build or tinker with? Come share the ideas in an awesome academic/research paper with fellow engineers, programmers, and paper-readers. Lead a session and show off code that you wrote that implements these ideas, or just give us the lowdown about the paper (because of HARD MATH!). Otherwise, just come, listen, and discuss.

Join Us!

  • Join our community on meetup to be notified of upcoming meetings.
  • Chat with us in the #paperswelove channel on the techcorridor.io slack (request an invite).
  • Attend a meeting and introduce yourself!

Looking for Inspiration?

Looking for some papers to learn from or present?

  • The papers-we-love github repository collects notable, approachable papers.
  • The papers-we-love youtube collects videos of past presentations from various chapters.


If you have questions, concerns, or would like to present or otherwise help out, please contact us on slack or directly.