
Sistema Inteligente para la Gestión y Optimización de Energía Basado en la Nube

Primary LanguageTeXGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Trabajo Fin de Grado


Sistema Inteligente para la Gestión y Optimización de Energía Basado en la Nube


Energy consumption plays an essential role in the development and well-being of society. So much so that the energy demand multiplies over time and its price increases. Furthermore, fossil energy sources are exhaustible, we must opt for the use of renewable energies and self-consumption as much as possible. In order to manage this multitude of energy sources in the most efficient way, we have to take into account the factors conditioning them and select the most appropriate one at any moment to satisfy the energy demand. This final degree project is focused on the creation of an intelligent system so that homes' energy management is carried out in an optimal and efficient way through the incorporation of new energy sources such as the installation of photovoltaic modules and a battery. The installation is modeled as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) identifying a set of variables, their domain and a set of restrictions between the variables values that are always determined by the installation configuration; by the physical properties of energy generation and consumption, as well as by climatic conditions. An objective energy cost function is added to this CSP, allowing the solution to be found orienting it to the aforementioned function minimization by means of linear programming. This allows to make the most of energy and results in a minimum economic home cost. This system can be used through a web application hosted in the IBM Cloud Foundry and Amazon Web Services that allows users to interact with it, configuring their home characteristics and being able to carry out simulations of a specific day. Thanks to the results of these simulations, users can compare the energy distribution and economic expense that would have been produced using the proposed system against what really happens with the electrical network exclusive consumption.


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Este repositorio contiene el código y documentación del Trabajo Fin de Grado de Pablo Palomino Gómez, alumno de la Escuela Superior de Informática (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha). El documento de este trabajo se distribuye con licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 4.0. El texto completo de la licencia puede obtenerse en https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.

  • Autor - Pablo Palomino Gómez
  • Director - Luis Jiménez Linares
  • Director - Luis Rodríguez Benítez
  • Intensificación - Ciencias de la Computación

Sistema Inteligente para la Gestión y Optimización de Energía Basado en la Nube

© Pablo Palomino Gómez, 2019