
Get a BibTeX entry from an arXiv id number, using the arxiv.org API.

Primary LanguagePython

Provides a command line tool to get metadata for an academic paper posted at arXiv.org in BibTeX format.


Use pip:

$ pip install arxiv2bib

Or use easy install:

$ easy_install arxiv2bib

Or download the source and use setup.py:

$ python setup.py install

If you cannot install, you can use arxiv2bib.py as a standalone executable. Just copy it to somewhere in your path (like /usr/local/bin.)


Basic usage:

$ arxiv2bib 1001.1001

Request a specific version:

$ arxiv2bib 1102.0001v2

Request multiple papers at once:

$ arxiv2bib 1101.0001 1102.0002 1103.0003

Use a list of papers from a text file (one per line):

$ arxiv2bib < papers.txt

More information:

$ arxiv2bib --help

If you have further questions, see the documentation at http://nathangrigg.github.io/arxiv2bib.