
An open trust resource for the token economy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting Started

Make sure you have Node.js installed.

$ git clone git@github.com:taptrust/taptrust.git # or clone your own fork
$ cd taptrust

Running Backend Server

The backend server uses Node.js, Express and PostgreSQL.

  1. Copy .env.exmaple file to .env and add environment variables. (ElephantSQL has a sandbox postgres option if you don't want to run database locally).
  2. npm install to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm run migrate to migrate database.
  4. Initialize dev server with npm run start:dev, which starts at localhost:8000.

Running Frontend Server

The frontend server uses React, webpack, and Node.js.

  1. The frontend is in the www folder. In this folder, copy .env.exmaple file to .env and add environment variables. You can set API_BASE_URL to a remote server if you'd like to develop the frontend without making any backend changes.
  2. npm install
  3. Runnpm start. (Frontend has it's own package.json.). The frontend server runs on localhost:8080.

Post first token/review

  • With database server and frontend server running, you can POST your first token at localhost:8080/tokenform.
  • After a token is posted you can POST your first review at localhost:8080/reviewform/:tokenId, where tokenId is the numerical id of the token that you want to review.


In addition, you can GET, POST, PUT, DELETE at these routes:


  • /api/tokens to create a new token. Response will be 201 Created for success or 400 Bad Request for error.
  • /api/tokens/:tokenId/reviews to create a new review for a token (:tokenId is the id of the token you want to add a review of). This request will also update the aggregate scores of the token, which are the average of each score category. Response will be 201 Created for success or 400 Bad Request for error.


  • /api/tokens to GET all tokens and their reviews. Response will be 200 OK for success or 400 Bad Request for error.
  • /api/tokens/:name to GET a specific coin, and it's reviews. Response will be 200 OK for success, 404 Token not found, or 400 Bad Request for error.
  • /api/tokens/:tokenId/review to GET all of a specific token's reviews. Response will be 200 OK for success or 400 Bad Request for error.
  • /api/reviews/:reviewId to GET a specific review. Response will be 200 OK for success or 400 Bad Request for error.


  • /api/tokens/:tokenId to update a specific coin. Response will be 200 OK for success or 400 Bad Request for error.
  • /api/reviews/:reviewId to update a specific review. Response will be 200 OK for success or 400 Bad Request for error.


  • /api/tokens/:tokenId to delete a token. Response will be 204 No Content for success or 400 Bad Request for error.
  • /api/tokens/:tokenId/reviews/:reviewId to delete a review. Response will be 204 No Content for success or 400 Bad Request for error.


Field Names Field Type Description
id Integer Automatically generated id for a given token
name String The name of the token
category String A token's given category (Utilities, Social, General, ect).
description Text A longer description of the token and it's unique qualities.
age String The age of the token since it's creation (In years, months).
symbol String The token's abbreviated symbol, eg. ETH or LTC.
website String The website of the token, leaving off 'http://' (eg. taptrust.com).
founders String A single founder, or a single string of founders separated by commas.
score_overall Integer The average of all of a token's score_overall reviews. Entered automatically
score_transparency Integer The average of all of a token's score_transparency reviews. Entered automatically
score_governance Integer The average of all of a token's score_governance reviews. Entered automatically
score_legal Integer The average of all of a token's score_legal reviews. Entered automatically
score_functionality Integer The average of all of a token's score_functionality reviews. Entered automatically
createdAt Date Automatically generated datetime that the token was created
updatedAt Date Automatically generated datetime that the token was last updated

The above fields should be sent in POST/PUT requests using x-www-form-urlencoded params.

All token score fields will be automatically entered once a review for the coin is POSTed. They will be null until then.


Field Names Field Type Description
id Integer Automatically generated id for a given review
tokenId Integer id of the token to which this review corresponds. Generated from URL during POST request
name String The name of the person leaving a review.
review Text A longer format review of a given token, minimum 100 characters.
url String Url for a website of the reviewer. (Personal website, Medium, Twitter, ect)
score_overall Integer Average of all other scores. Automatically entered after other scores are entered
score_transparency Integer A score for a given token based on it's transparency, 0-100.
score_legal Integer A score for a given token based on it's legal status, 0-100.
score_functionality Integer A score for a given token based on it's functionality, 0-100.
score_governance Integer A score for a given token based on it's governance, 0-100.
createdAt Date Automatically generated datetime that the review was created
updatedAt Date Automatically generated datetime that the review was last updated


  1. Set NODE_ENV variable to test and TEST_DB_URL variable to your postgres test database in .env file. (ElephantSQL has a sandbox postgres option if you don't want to run it locally).
  2. Run sequelize db:migrate --env test to set up a replica of your development database on the test database.
  3. Run npm test.


Updating the deployment:

  1. Push the updated code to master branch.
$ git push origin master
  1. Connect to the server via SSH.

You can connect on GCP console

  1. Go to the project folder.
$ cd /var/www/taptrust
  1. Pull the latest master branch.
$ git pull origin master
  1. Install npm packages in backend app if package.json has been modified.
$ npm install

The next two steps are in the www folder. Use cd www to navigate to it.

  1. Install npm package in frontend app if if www/package.json has been modified.
$ npm install
  1. Build the front-end app if any other code in www has been modified.
$ npm run build
  1. Restart pm2 processes
$ cd ..
$ pm2 stop pm2config.json
$ pm2 start pm2config.json