
Excel XLSX to CSV file converter. Node.js library and command line utility. Lightweight.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Excel XLSX to CSV file converter. Node.js library and command line utility. Lightweight.

Getting Started

Install the package:

git clone https://github.com/papnkukn/xlsx2csv && cd xlsx2csv
npm install -g .

Convert the document:

xlsx2csv --verbose --sheet Sample path/to/sample.xlsx sample.csv

Command Line

  xlsx2csv [options] <input.xlsx> <output.csv>

  --force             Force overwrite file
  --data [type]       Data type to export: formula, value or display
  --sheet [name]      Sheet name to export
  --range [A1:C3]     Range to export
  --separator [char]  CSV column separator, e.g. '\t'
  --line-end [char]   End of line char(s), e.g. '\r\n'
  --help              Print this message
  --verbose           Enable detailed logging
  --version           Print version number

  xlsx2csv --version
  xlsx2csv --verbose --range A1:M30 --separator , file.xlsx
  xlsx2csv --data formula --sheet Sample file.xlsx file.csv

Using as library

var xlsx2csv = require('node-xlsx2csv');
var options = { verbose: true, sheet: "Sample" };
xlsx2csv('path/to/sample.xlsx', options, function(error, result) {
  if (error) return console.error(error);


Name Type Description
verbose bool Detailed output while processing
data string Type of data to export: "formula" to export cell formula, "value" to prefer cell value, or "display" for formatted value
sheet string required, worksheet name to export, e.g. "Sample"
range string optional, capture cell range, e.g. "A1:M30"
separator string CSV column separator, e.g. "," or ";" or "\t", default: ","
lineEnd string end of line char(s), e.g. "\r\n" or "\r" or "\n", default: "\n"