
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Macro Files

Macro, or data files for various scripts, programs and plugins, which can be updated online.

These files are sourced directly from this repository using:

Both schemas above work and I don't know the difference between them.
I think the first is older and now the second is used, while the first still works.

my unsorted

! Title: papo filters – unsorted. all sorts and countries.
! Description: List started on my "My filters" tab. Now I have many browsers and I want
! to keep them updated without need to use manual cloud sync.
! Also to be able to add my list to friend's browser.
! This unsorted list is maybe not suitable for generic public,
! as it might break some functionality which I don't use on purpose.
! I will slowly, maybe years, move parts from this file to separate
! filter files based on a type and country.
! Expires: 4 days
! Last modified: %timestamp%
! Licence: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files/blob/master/LICENSE
! Homepage: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files
! This file path: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paponius/Macro-Files/master/uBlock%20filters/my_unsorted.txt
! (newer?) path: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files/raw/master/uBlock%20filters/my_unsorted.txt

fix design

! Title: papo filters – Changing certain behaviour I found wrong
! Description: One of thin
! This filter file might also remove some functionality on purpose,
! which I don't use and find annoying. (pop-over menus, overlay buttons)
! Such buttons are hidden, which might disallow use.
! Expires: 4 days
! Last modified: %timestamp%
! Licence: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files/blob/master/LICENSE
! Homepage: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files
! This file path: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paponius/Macro-Files/master/uBlock%20filters/fix%20design.txt

agree button

! Title: papo filters – hide agree popup and backdrop shade filter ! Description: One of thin ! This filter file might also remove some functionality on purpose, ! which I don't use and find annoying. (pop-over menus, overlay buttons) ! Such buttons are hidden, which might disallow use. ! Expires: 4 days ! Last modified: %timestamp% ! Licence: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files/blob/master/LICENSE ! Homepage: https://github.com/paponius/Macro-Files ! This file path: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paponius/Macro-Files/master/uBlock%20filters/agree.txt

All above uBlock origin scripts

This can be inserted to uBlock > Settings > Filter lists > Import
