
THMMY AUTh Undergraduate Thesis Repository Parsing and Data Analytics (vivliothmmy2.ee.auth.gr)

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THMMY AUTh Undergraduate Thesis Repository Parsing and Data Analytics (vivliothmmy2.ee.auth.gr)

Several hundreds of Theses are uploaded and publicly available on the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki's Thesis Repository. However, the web interface is very basic and offers little to no functionality.

By parsing and looking into the data, much more info can be extracted.

This probably only works on linux.


This script does the initial grab of the whole database of theses. It will save all theses (PDFs) in a new "docs" subfolder, and will create a CSV file with all available data for each thesis from the webpage.


Get a statistical font usage analysis. See what fonts are mostly used in Thesis writing (results will not surprise you)


This will go through the downloaded PDFs and extract a pagecount for each one, saving the result in a new CSV file.

Uses the pdfinfo linux utility.


Find out which software was used to export the final version of each Thesis' PDF, and see which are mostly used.

Used the pdfinfo linux utility.

CAUTION: This will not find software used in all files, but works for a good majority.


Get the word count of each thesis and save all results to a CSV file.

Uses the pdftotext linux utility.

CAUTION: this is buggy as hell, does not count words correctly in some cases. #Thanks_PDF


Get a word frequency analysis (number of occurence of each word), for each document and for all documents in total.

Saves results in an individual CSV file for each input file, retaining filenames.

Removes numbers and short words from the totals.