- 3
one REPL for multiple buffers
#29 opened by viktmar - 4
sending ocaml to REPL requires suffix ";;"
#28 opened by mostafatouny - 1
sending a cell does not work in ocaml
#27 opened by mostafatouny - 3
- 1
lazy nvim package manager and nvim-repl
#25 opened by leet0rz - 4
REPL Hangs When Executing Python Cells
#23 opened by TheoFABIEN - 1
- 1
Failed Cells Detection in Haskell
#22 opened by mostafatouny - 2
Use with an external terminal
#21 opened by avidseeker - 0
Can't escape out of repl
#20 opened by leg7 - 3
Feature request? -> SendVisual does always send complete lines -> send only visual selection
#19 opened by viktmar - 1
- 2
tmux target
#15 opened by gauteh - 1
the same repl is used for all buffers / tabs etc
#16 opened by gauteh - 2
Is there any way to define per project REPL?
#12 opened by rafaelleru - 1
- 1
Error with :ReplOpen, :ReplClose/:ReplToggle closes current buffer when called after closing REPL
#9 opened by samuel-zuk - 0
Duplicate paragraph in
#6 opened by luciorq - 4
Python Class throws indent error
#4 opened by ECon87 - 2