
Experimental web app template

Primary LanguageClojure


Duct is a minimal framework for building web applications in Clojure, with a strong emphasis on simplicity.


Create a new Duct project with Leiningen.

lein new duct <<your project name>>

This will create a minimal Duct project. You can extend this by appending profile hints to add extra functionality.

  • +cljs adds in ClojureScript compilation and hot-loading
  • +example adds an example endpoint
  • +heroku adds configuration for deploying to Heroku
  • +postgres adds a PostgreSQL dependency and database component
  • +ragtime adds a Ragtime component to handle database migrations
  • +site adds site middleware, a favicon, webjars and more
  • +sqlite adds a SQLite dependency and database component

For example:

lein new duct foobar +site +example

As with all Leiningen templates, Duct will create a new directory with the same name as your project. For information on how to run and build your project, refer to the project's README.md file.


Duct consists of a Leiningen template and a small support library.

Duct depends on existing libraries for the majority of its functionality.

Externally, Duct follows the Twelve-Factor App methodology.

Internally, Duct uses Stuart Sierra's Reloaded Workflow.

Duct prefers local bindings over global state.

Duct separates configuration and environment.

Duct applications are divided by purpose, rather than layer.


Duct is designed to produce a standalone web application, configured with environment variables, and logging to STDOUT. Typically it will sit behind a proxy or load-balancer, and works well in environments like Heroku and Docker.

Internally, Duct projects are structured with the Component library. Components handle the lifecycle of the web server, and connections to other services and databases. It's highly recommended you avoid any global state, and even dynamic bindings are discouraged.

The routes of the application are divided into endpoints. These are functions that take a component map, and return a Ring handler function. Duct therefore relies on closures and lexical scoping to pass database connections and other configuration data to the routes.

Endpoints should resemble microservices, grouping routes by purpose. An endpoint might handle user authentication, or handle comments on a post. Strive to keep your endpoints small and focused.



File structure

Duct projects are structured as below. Files marked with a * are kept out of version control.

├── README.md
├── dev
│   ├── local.clj *
│   └── user.clj
├── profiles.clj *
├── project.clj
├── resources
│   └── {{project}}
│       ├── endpoint
│       │   └── {{endpoint}}
│       ├── errors
│       ├── migrations
│       └── public
├── src
│   └── {{project}}
│       ├── component
│       ├── config.clj
│       ├── endpoint
│       │   └── {{endpoint}}.clj
│       ├── main.clj
│       └── system.clj
└── test
    └── {{project}}
        └── endpoint
            └── {{endpoint}}_test.clj


Copyright © 2015 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.