
Martin's server dotfiles: a clean and minimal Debian Jessie (stable) server.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Martin's server dotfiles

My Debian Jessie dotfiles for servers. For a minimal desktop or laptop configuration, use https://github.com/paps/dotfiles


  • Install: htop vim git zsh tree curl inotify-tools trash-cli wget dnsutils apache2-utils tig zip unzip

Tmux from backports for v2+

  • Make sure Jessie backports are enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list. For example:
    • deb http://deb.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main
  • Install tmux from the backports:
    • sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports install tmux


  • Add the correct keys to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Install the dotfiles

  • git clone https://github.com/paps/dotfiles-server.git
  • cd dotfiles-server
  • Create all the required links: ./setup.sh [absolute-path-to-dotfiles]


  • whereis zsh
  • chsh -s [absolute-path-to-shell]
  • Or, in case we're non-root with a disabled password: sudo chsh -s [absolute-path-to-shell] username

Local binaries

Add local binaries in ~/.paps/bin (it's in $PATH).


  • Only once, before first run: git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
  • Only once, to initialize plugins: vim -u ~/.paps/vim/bundles.vim +PluginInstall
  • For updating installed plugins: vim +PluginUpdate
  • For installing a new plugin added in bundles.vim: vim +PluginInstall
  • For removing unused plugins: vim +PluginClean

Disable SSH agent

Because you're on a server, you might want to disable the local SSH agent that is automatically started by zsh to let your agent forwarding take place. To do so, simply touch ~/.paps/zsh/do_not_start_ssh_agent.